Saturday, January 22, 2011

Starry Statements

"Then Job answered and said... How should man be just with God?.... Which alone spreadeth out the heavens.... Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number" (Job 9:2-9). "The heavens declare the glory of God.... Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night uttereth knowledge.... Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world" (Psalm 19:1-4).

The heavens declare the glory of God,
And day after day utters speech.
Since God named the stars, it seems very odd
That we don't seem to care what they teach!

Job knew the names of the stars in the night
And their meanings that came from the Lord:
Arcturus "Coming", Orion "Prince of Light",
And Pleiades, "The Jewels that Are Stored".

Surely, there's wealth in the words of each star,
As the night is spread out like a scroll.
Their words are declaring God's glory afar,
And telling the worth of each soul!

How vast are the things that we cannot find out,
Yet great are the things God will show!
We know God has spoken, removing all doubt,
And thereby salvation we know!

The heavens declare what the Scriptures convey:
That the Lord would reveal His glory
Through His precious Son to provide us the way
To be saved! O how wondrous the story!


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