The Statement of the Stars
Lord, You tell the vast number of each and every star.
You call every one of them by its appointed name.
Their brilliance is exceeded, Oh Lord, by who You are;
Their glory is transcended by the Christ whom they proclaim.
1. Virgo is the virgin who bears the promised Seed:
The coming and desired Son is Jesus Christ indeed.
Libra shows the scales that weigh redemption’s cost:
The only price sufficient is His cross.
Scorpio the enemy, in deadly conflict strives
Against the Lover of our souls contending for our lives.
Sa-gittari-us is Christ triumphant, lifted high:
Removing sin, He reigns, no more to die.
2. Ca-pricornus is the Sacrifice who once was slain,
But rose victorious over death for our eternal gain.
Aquarius is Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow,
His living water freely He bestows.
Pisces are the saved in Christ united in His love;
Redeemed, yet bound, they wait for Christ’s returning from above.
Aries is the Lamb enthroned once slain to save our souls,
Delivering those once bound by Satan’s hold.
3. Taurus is the Lord who shall return to judge the earth,
The Prince of Light in brightness so unlike His humble birth.
Gemini is dual witness of the Christ who came:
This Ruler and Redeemer are the same!
Cancer is our shelter and our resting place secure.
Protected by our Savior’s love, which ever shall endure.
Leo is the King of kings whose victory is complete:
The serpent’s head is crushed beneath His feet.
Praise Yahweh -He is awesome! The Heavens declare His Glory! Thank you for posting this article.
Awesome! Powerful!! I saw your response on wallbuilders and felt that nudge to look further, such wisdom you have studied to show yourself approved . I look so forward to learning from the wisdom of gods word that you share... Thank you for sharing your gift, it surely is a blessing to us.
Have you set The Statement of the Stars to music?
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