Threefold Theme of the Starry Heavens
Deliverance from the PENALTY of Sin.
1. Virgo: Christ the Incarnate Son
2. Libra: Christ the Redeemer
3. Scorpio: Christ the Sufferer
4. Sagittarius: Christ the Conqueror
Section Two: Our Risen Savior
Deliverance from the POWER of Sin.
5. Capricornus: Christ the Sacrifice
6. Aquarius: Christ the Living Water
7. Pisces: Christ the Liberator
8. Aries: Christ the Crowned Lamb
Section Three: Our Returning Savior
Deliverance from the PRESENCE of Sin.
9. Taurus: Christ the Judge
10. Gemini: Christ the King
11. Cancer: Christ the Protector
12. Leo: Christ the Victor
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